Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Excruciating Pain In The Groin My 50 Year Old Mom Is Awakened By Excruciating Pain That Radiates From Her Right Abdomen To Her Groin.?

My 50 year old mom is awakened by excruciating pain that radiates from her right abdomen to her groin.? - excruciating pain in the groin

Age 50, my mother wakes up with pains radiating from the womb of his right groin on the same page. The pain returned at intervals 3 to 4 minutes. I know it has something to do with your urinary tract (kidney, bladder, etc..) What is your problem? Why should it be? Why does your pain occur in intervals?


Jack said...

Go see a doctor because it could be serious.

Summer said...

This seems suspicious. Is this something new or re-create? When new, it must be checked for appendicitis. If it is a re-produce what could be a problem in the descending colon. Or his gall bladder. Gallbladder pain is terrible. Kidney pain is usually in the lower back, pain in the bladder in the center below the navel.

Jeb said...

You really need advice from a dr.
It could be appendix.

gillianp... said...

I think it is a herniated disk in his back pain in the plant and in the groin. How do I know because I end up in "ER" and assumed kidney stones, bladder stones I went through all the organs. 12 months later and had an MRI. The reason why the pain occurs at regular intervals, because if you move the package and when it touches a nerve root, unfortunately, move! Good luck

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